Friday 9th September
Cragg Churchyard
1 - 3pm
Tidying the churchyard. Tea and cakes afterwards!
Saturday 10th September
Field behind the Robin Hood
1 - 11pm

Cragg Fest 2016, bands, bar, food. FREE ENTRY

Thursday15th September
Steiner School
Cragg Vale History Society: 'Cragg Coiners' with Shirley Daniels.
Saturday 17th September
The Ark
10am - 12noon
Bike Fun 'n Games, free of charge, with refreshments. Contact Marrion Hood 01422 885224 for registration forms.
Friday 7th October
Broadhead Clough
Volunteers needed. Contact Helen Pedley, YWT: 01422 886195 for information.
Thursday 20th October
Steiner School
Cragg Vale History Society: 'Railway Heydays' with Noel Coates.
Saturday 22nd October
Salem Chapel, Market St
Hebden Bridge
Heritage Day Fund Raising Event for Flood Victims, tea, coffee & lunch available.
Friday 4th November
Broadhead Clough
Volunteers needed. Contact Helen Pedley, YWT: 01422 886195 for information.
Friday 4th November
Field next to 'Springfield'
Cragg Vale Community Bonfire, bonfire lit at 6.30pm, fireworks at 7.15pm, refreshments.
Thursday 17th November
Steiner School
Cragg Vale History Society: 'Summat a' Nowt' with Steve Murty.
Friday 2nd December
Broadhead Clough
Volunteers needed. Contact Helen Pedley, YWT: 01422 886195 for information.
Sunday 4th December
Cragg Vale Park
'Festival of Lights', meet in the park, bring a lantern, singing and refreshments, FREE.